These values are in our DNA — as an organization and as a community.


Our values are the foundation of everything we do. By clearly articulating our values, we fight harmful stereotypes about atheists and help build a strong, vibrant, and resilient community.

  • Bold

    We believe in the power of action, recognizing that meaningful change requires more than words, ideas, or aspirations. We are fearless and unrelenting in our advocacy efforts to confront barriers to civil rights of atheists, never wavering in our commitment to effect real change.

  • Inclusive

    We appreciate the breadth of the human experience. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, in which the inherent dignity and worth of all people is embraced and valued, and where everyone is invited to participate and contribute.

  • Adaptive

    We approach our work with curiosity and open minds, seeking new knowledge to better understand the changing world around us. We maintain a high level of expertise by embracing challenges, learning from our experiences, and developing evidence-based solutions using rigor, the scientific method, and critical thinking.

  • People-Centered

    We cultivate connection between individuals and communities, acknowledging that building meaningful relationships creates opportunities for empowerment, change, and a sense of belonging. We recognize the transformative power of finding meaning in the here and now.

  • Collaborative

    We embrace building bridges, recognizing that by aligning our efforts, resources, and expertise, we can break down barriers, address complex challenges, and create positive, lasting change.

  • Authentic

    We align our actions with our values and communicate with honesty, integrity, and transparency. We foster an environment where everyone is encouraged to be their authentic self.

  • Freedom

    We are committed to protecting freedom of conscience and expression. We believe that secular democracy, including the separation of religion and government, is the best safeguard of those rights.

  • Future-Oriented

    We believe that we have an opportunity to contribute to a better future, recognizing the collective responsibility we share in driving positive change. We anchor our actions and decisions in a long-term perspective with a focus on leaving a positive legacy for future generations to continue the work.

We hope you’ll support the work of an organization that is unapologetic about our values and who we are. Please stand with us by making a tax-deductible gift today!

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