These aren’t just words on a page. This is our plan to get it done.

Our work has never been more important than it is today. And we’ve got a lot to get done. Here’s how we’re going to make it happen.

Build Capacity

Our power is in our people.

We have the greatest volunteers and grassroots leaders there are. Now is the time for us to invest in them. That means building resources, creating opportunities for more people to get involved, and developing new leaders from all across the country.

It also means continuing to grow and diversify our membership base and reinforcing our foundation of financial support so American Atheists can continue its work for another 60 years.

Secular Government

Protecting religious equality and the civil rights of atheists by rebuilding the wall of separation between religion and government is what we’ve done for the past 60 years.

But we can no longer afford to just play defense in the courts. We’ll work to build capacity in states to pass bold, innovative legislation that advances equality and protects our rights. We’ll engage the legal system, beyond just filing lawsuits, to impact the law. And we’ll build relationships with national coalitions, legislators, and other policymakers to influence laws at every level of government.

Break Down Barriers

Legal equality isn’t enough. It’s up to us to foster societal, cultural, and institutional acceptance of atheists and other nonreligious people.

We’ll work to end the discrimination atheists still face in the workplace, in healthcare, in education, in our families, and in all other areas of our daily lives. We’ll create activism opportunities that normalize atheism and encourage civic engagement. And we’ll show that church-state separation — and protecting the rights of atheists and other nonreligious people — is a key issue in the fight for civil rights.

Promote Understanding

People need to know about the tremendous breadth of experiences faced by atheists and nonreligious people in America. And they need to understand our community and the issues we care about.

That means collecting and publishing data about atheists and nonreligious people. But beyond just the facts and figures, we will tell the stories of our community. Americans need to hear directly from us about how these issues impact our daily lives and how we’re working to make our world a better place.

Foster Community

Vibrant, robust, and lasting communities for atheists and other nonreligious people are a vital lifeline for many all across the country.

We will help groups get started — and keep going — by creating resources for leaders. Beyond that, we’ll build capacity by training, mentoring, and creating opportunities for collaboration with grassroots activists from all across the country. And we’ll make sure members of our community always have a voice in our work.

Sound good? Then let’s get it done!

American Atheists relies on the generosity and support of our members to make our work possible. Please stand with us by making a tax-deductible gift today!

Stay Informed

Learn more about how you can get involved to make a difference, find a local community group in your area, and stay up to date on the latest news about the issues that matter to you.